MS13 w/suit

MS13 w/suit

Target - MS13 w/ Suit

Drill # 1 - Step Left

Difficulty -  Novice 🟦

Firearm - pistol

Distance - 3 yards (9 feet)

Ammo - 105 rounds

Gear - holster (optional)

*The information contained in this post is available as a digital download when you purchase this target.

Primary Proficiency Skills - 1) Image Processing Training  2) fundamental marksmanship  3) working from the holster of which ever type the shooter is using 4) stepping and shooting.

*Typical indoor range shooting stalls are not wide enough to accommodate taking a step and shooting. Additionally, most indoor ranges require clients to demonstrate safely drawing from the holster.

Prior recommended training - the techniques and methods related to safely drawing a loaded firearm from the holster of the type you will be working from. Techniques related to turning 90º left and right with the intention of shooting the target.

Description/ Scenario - You are at a street corner with two other friends, a gang member becomes enraged with something pertaining to one of your friends. Threatening words are directed towards all three of you and there is tremendous tension and a feeling of disease. The gang member approaches the three of you while locked onto one of your friends and pulls a large meat cleaver from inside his pants as he approaches. You believe all three of you are in mortal danger.

  Your two other friends are not armed but you are. You check your background and realize there is man in the line of fire. You simultaneously step left and draw your pistol, which changed the shooters angle to threat thereby, clearing the background of the innocent bystander.

Firearms starting positions referred to during these shooting drills are the Holster, the Ready, the High Ready and the SUL position.

Starting positions - from the holster, the Ready, the High Ready and the SUL 


Lock & Load, make ready.

 1) From the Ready position present out to the High Ready position and fire 1 round to the cerebellum of the brain. Return to the Ready position. Repeat 10 times. [10]

    *Shooters objective - to fire one round accurately at the moment the arm's reach a full comfortable extension.

 2) From the Ready position present out to the High Ready position and fire 1 round aiming for the heart. Return to the Ready position. Repeat 10 times. [10]

 3) From the Holster, the SUL or continue from the Ready position, draw from the holster and present out to the High Ready position, fire one round to the cerebellum of the brain. Repeat 5 times [5]

 4) From the Holster, the SUL or continue from the Ready position, draw from the holster (safely) present out and fire one round one round to the cerebellum of the brain and one round to the heart, firing two rounds each iteration. Repeat 5 times [10]

*In the next recommended shooting-drill the shooter will step left. In playing along with the scenario depicted on the target the shooter is aware and concerned for the man in the background. This causes the shooter to think about stepping left to change the angle to threat, thereby notionally clearing the background. Additionally, shooters will not rehearse stepping right on this target. However, the target MS13 w/LEO enables the shooter to rehearse stepping right.

 5) From the holster, the SUL or continue from the Ready position, step left and simultaneously draw from the holster, fire one round 1 to the cerebellum and one round to the heart, firing two rounds each iteration. Repeat 10 times.  [10]

 6) From the holster, the SUL or continue from the Ready position, step left draw and draw from the holster . Engage with one round 1 to the cerebellum of the brain followed by 3 rounds to the heart at a rate of one round per second . Repeat 5 times. Check Targets  [20]

*Safety Point for the drills 7 & 8 - ensure you have completed the turn before the gun leaves the holster and before you raise up from the SUL position. Ensure the muzzle is always pointed down range while training. Beware of flagging. Do not do these two drills from the Ready position.

  7) From the Holster or the SUL position.  Stand looking to left of the target and parallel to down range.

 When ready turn to the right and simultaneously begin drawing from the holster, then step to the left and engage with 1 round to the cerebellum of the brain and 3 rounds to the heart.  Repeat 5 times. [20]

 8) From the Holster or the SUL position. Stand looking to right of the target and parallel to down range.

  When ready turn to the left and simultaneously begin drawing from the holster then step to the left and engage with 1 round to the cerebellum of the brain and 3 rounds to the heart. Repeat 5 times. [20]

 End Training

Clear and make safe

Total round count - 105

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CQC Target Duo

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